Turn Your Data Privacy Practices
Into Irreplaceable Customer Trust
That Will Drive Your Revenue And Growth.

Improve how you serve your customers by transforming the way you relate to them through data privacy for Irreplaceable Customer Trust.





Get access to a Quick and Powerful Self Assessment to Pinpoint Where to Focus First

Data Privacy and Trust Building Self Assessment

Start with 9 questions and get clear about your data privacy risk.

When you are ready, book a time to talk about your options to fix what you discover.

There are two paths with privacy that you can take — which one are you on?

Right now, your business is either growing on the green line or drifting down on the red line.

Now the difference may not be that significant but the distance between the two lines will accelerate as time passes ... and time always wins!

Our reThinking Trust programs will put you on the green line and accelerate your results.

How do you get onto the Green Line and

Create Irreplaceable Customer Trust?

(not just talk about trust like everyone else)

How can we get into that slim green-zone slice of the pie where our compliance efforts are embedded in our business strategy AND are more valuable to our customers than they are with anyone?

How can we rise above as a benchmark into the green-zone  where we have real-time control of our data and systems, creating clearer, deeper bonds with our customers than they have with anyone?

How can we get to that top green-zone of the pyramid where we have deeper trust with our customers than they have with anyone?

We build data privacy programs - "teaching you to fish" that highlight your Unique Value as a Trustworthy Leader so that you can...

Serve With Commitment

The Leader moves from self interest to relationship-building. 

They let their consistent actions in value delivery do the talking.

"We have to recognise that there cannot be relationships unless there is commitment, unless there is loyalty, unless there is love, patience, persistence."

Cornel West

Serve With Control

The Leader rejects reactive check-the-box compliance and does not vacuum personal data "just because they can." 

They make customers feel safe and respected in every interaction.

They plan for what could go wrong as well as for maximizing value and revenue.

"When people trust that you'll do what you say when you say it, not only will they want to work with you, but they'll want you to be successful. "

Shane Parrish

Serve With Connection

The Leader moves from overly complicated legalese to straight talk. 

They listen fervently and build congruent simple interactions that show caring in action. Rather than talk about how important trust and privacy are, they do trust-building.

"We don't know what moment in our lives we are going to be judged on; that's true for all of us. We've got to be honorable, be moral; we've got to work our hardest."

Jeffrey Zaslow

Nalini Kaplan, Chief reThinker

"People value their trusted relationships above all else. Treating people's personal information as inherently precious - as dearly as the relationship itself - is table stakes today. Doing so creates enduring trust, giving meaning to work and to life."

Nalini Kaplan

Founder of reThink Trust Method
Creator of DataProtection DynamiX™ 

Rabbinic Chaplain, Community and Palliative Care

Over thirty years, working with and in

companies of all sizes and industries

Never miss any of Nalini's 18-Minute Teachings by getting an advanced notification via email!

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