Complete this form so that we can provision PrivQ for you.

Company / Organization Address(Required)

PrivIQ Version

Confirm PrivIQ Version(Required)
Confirm the PrivIQ version you have ordered. If you have questions, contact us at or call +1 720-853-1255

Primary Account Contact

You will be provisioned with the administrator role.
Your Name(Required)
Your Email Address(Required)
Are You the Privacy Program Leader?
If yes, indicate by clicking the radio button. Otherwise, skip.
Are You the DPO or CPO?
We can set up the information about the Data Protection Officer (DPO) or Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) for you. If yes, indicate by clicking the radio button. Otherwise, skip.

Additional User 1

Email Address
User Type
If this person serves as the DPO or CPO, state in the space above. If applicable, please also indicate if multiple roles required in the space above, e.g., PIA + DSAR or provision for a select number of compliance domains. Contact support if you need help determining the permissions / roles.

Additional User 2

Email Address
User Type
If this person serves as the DPO or CPO, state in the space above. If applicable, please also indicate if multiple roles required in the space above, e.g., PIA + DSAR or provision for a select number of compliance domains. Contact support if you need help determining the permissions / roles.

Anything else we can help you with regarding your set up?

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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