DPDx User Guide

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  9. Add Checklist Items

Add Checklist Items

Within a checklist you are able to add new items via:

  • Manual input
  • Download a template for use in CSV import
  • Import via CSV

Currently you cannot edit a custom item after it is created. A workaround is that you delete the item you wish to change and create a new one.

Note that both manually and via CSV, you are able to create duplicate entries. Use caution to avoid creating dupes, and proactively delete any extraneous, duplicate entries.

You may add custom checklist items to all compliance sub sections, regardless of how they were created: default areas pre-populated by PrivIQ; new custom areas you created; and new areas you created from template.

From within the Compliance Section, choose the Compliance Area, then click on the tile for the section you wish to modify:

For a new custom compliance area and sub sections, you will see a blank screen because you have not added checklist items yet:

For a default areas pre-populated by PrivIQ and new areas you created from template, you will see the existing checklist items:

Manually add checklist items

Click “Add New”, then click “Add New Item” from the dropdown

Add the description (it is best to NOT add an Enter/Return at the end); choose “Risk Level” (Low-Medium-High); then “Save”

After you add at least one checklist item to a new custom compliance area, you will see the summary graphic on the Compliance Area and Sub Section tiles.

Add checklist items from CSV

You can upload new checklist items from a CSV instead of or in addition to manual input.

First download the CSV template for input. From Compliance Audit, choose the Compliance Area, then click on the tile for the section you wish to upload from CSV. Choose “CSV Template”.

You now have a locally-downloaded file named complianceItems.csv. Input your checklist items and risk level (L-M-H). Due to upload validations that occur on the system, follow these guidelines to avoid errors:

  • Remove all default entries from the file except the heading line. The heading line contains: Description,Risk level
  • Do NOT include a comma within a Description; instead use a semicolon
  • You may use double quotes (“) or single quotes (‘) within a Description
  • You may add HTML to the Description with these considerations:
    • Do not add a newline (Enter/Return) within a Description; instead if you need line breaks, use HTML paragraph tags
    • When importing HTML, change the heading line to have double quotes around Risk level like this: Description,”Risk level

Tip: If you would like to export entries from another custom checklist as a basis for adding to a checklist, follow export instructions here: Export compliance area checklist.

When your entries are ready, from Compliance Audit, choose the Compliance Area, then click on the tile for the section you wish to upload from CSV. Choose “Import Items”.

After successful upload, your checklist automatically refreshes and displays the new items. If the new items do not appear, there may be errors in your CSV. If you need assistance, contact reThink Trust for support, https://support.rethinktrust.io/

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