DPDx User Guide

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  5. DPDx User Guide
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  7. Home Screen, Setup and Na...
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  9. Navigation


Upper navigation bar

The upper navigation bar provides access to:

  • Cog wheel: Org settings and users
  • ? icon: Access to information in Data Protection Overview Guide, glossary
  • User dropdown: My tasks & notifications, settings & preferences, logout

Tiles on home screen

The tiles are sectioned by three domains for setting up your privacy program, followed by sections for ongoing processes. Each tile will take you into that section.

Sidebar items

Sidebar items take you to the same sections as the tiles. If you hover over an item, a pop-up describes the section in more detail.

Collapse/expand the sidebar

You may collapse the sidebar to view section icons only using the collapse (<) symbol at the bottom of the sidebar.

A collapsed sidebar shows icons only for your selections. If you hover over an icon, a pop-up describes the section in more detail. You may re-open the sidebar text using the expand (>) symbol at the bottom of the sidebar.

Breadcrumbs while navigating

As you navigate into sections, breadcrumbs are displayed at the top of the page to allow navigation upstream.

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