DPDx User Guide

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  9. Homepages


Compliance Audit Section Homepage

The Compliance Audit homepage shows a quick visual assessment your organization’s progress against each compliance area by status:

Compliance Area Sub Section Homepages

Clicking on a compliance section shows the homepage for that Compliance Area, and it also gives a quick visual assessment of completion status per checklist. When you click the Employee Personal Data Management tile, you will see five related sub sections:

There are two tabs within a Sub Section Homepage: Status, and Tags

  • Status: Manage compliance section checklists 
  • Tags: Visual assessment of completion status per Tag Name (described in Managing Tasks and Checklists)

Person Responsible

Assign a “Person responsible” on the sub section homepage. This person will carry to downstream sections as well. You may change to a different user in different sections.

You can remove a ‘Person responsible’ by clicking the red X. The ‘Person responsible’ will then automatically default to the User designated as your Primary Contact (see the User Management section of this guide).

You can create a new user with the green plus (+) sign, and they are given default privileges as a Task User. We do not recommend this method of user creation. Instead follow the User configuration functionality described in the User Management section of this guide.

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