We recommend you set up and have started to run the emails under ‘Compliance’ before you complete the items under the ‘Checklist’.

Filter stakeholder listing
Filter picklists
To filter the view of stakeholder listing, you may choose one or more picklist items from any or all of the three filter categories.
Clear filter results with ‘Reset’.

Text search
You may filter on a free-text string appearing in: Name, Title, and/or Email.
Clear text search results using the X to the right of the search box.

Add stakeholders
Before sending any email, you need to create your stakeholder listing. A Stakeholder is an employee, contractor or other person who needs to understand and acknowledge your privacy program legal obligations, policies, procedures, and best practices. A Stakeholder does NOT need to be a user in DPDx.
Adding Stakeholders is found in the ‘Add New’ dropdown. You may capture their details individually (Add New Stakeholder) or perform a bulk upload (Import Stakeholders) using the template provided (Stakeholder Import Template). Note that you cannot remove a Department or Location once they are added to a person.

Add new stakeholder manually
Using the ‘Add New’ pop-up, add your stakeholder details. Required fields are: First name, Last name, Job title, Email address. You may optionally add a Department or Location, and change the status to inactive. Save when your input is complete.

Add new Department or Location
You can add items to these Department and Location picklists with the green plus sign (+). Click the + sign, add the name, then click Save on the smaller pop-up. When you add a Department, it is also available within Data Mapping. Locations are only used within Stakeholder Comms.

After Save, the new item is available for selection in the dropdown for Add New Stakeholder.

Edit items on Department or Location picklists
You may edit only custom picklist items. They appear in a red font and have a pencil icon on the right-hand side of the element in the dropdown.
To edit a custom item, click ‘Add New’, open the Department or Location dropdown, and click on the pencil icon.

Make changes to your name in the popup, then Save. Cancel from the ‘Add New’ pop-up.

Refresh your web page, and you will see the modified Department or Location.
WARNING: All entries in the Data Mapping section and in the Stakeholder Comms section using the Department name of “New Dept” will be changed to “Modified Dept”.
Delete items from Department or Location picklists
You may delete only custom picklist items. They appear in a red font and have a pencil icon on the right-hand side of the element in the dropdown.
WARNING: You cannot delete a Department or Location that is used in a stakeholder’s details. However you can delete a Department being used by a data mapping entry, so use extreme caution. Any entries in Data Mapping which use that Department are automatically deleted as well.
Confirm no Stakeholder entries are using the Department or Location picklist item. You may wish to filter the listing by Department. Change the Department or delete Stakeholder entries using that department.

Confirm that no entries in the Data Mapping section are using the Department, or that you wish those entries to be automatically deleted.
Click ‘Add New’, open the Department or Location dropdown, and click on the pencil icon.

In the popup, click Delete. A new popup appears for confirmation. Type the word “DELETE” and click OK. Cancel from the ‘Add New’ pop-up.

Import stakeholders from CSV
You may perform a bulk upload of Stakeholders using the CSV template provided.
From the ‘Add New’ dropdown, download the ‘Stakeholder import template’. This downloads a CSV template file named ‘employee.csv’.

Create the stakeholder entries using your tool of choice. If you use a spreadsheet application like Excel, remember to Save As CSV. The following fields are included in the template. All are created as active Stakeholders.
- First name – required field
- Last name – required field
- Job title – required field
- Email address – required field
- Department – optional; created if it does not exist
- Location – optional; created if it does not exist
WARNING: You cannot remove a Department or Location once they are added to a stakeholder entry. Leave these fields blank if you are unsure whether you will use them and add them later if you decide to use them. We do not recommend deleting and re-creating entries to remove Department or Location because you will lose the email and acknowledgement history for that person.
Note the following issues that cause upload errors and no entries are created from that file:
- Do not duplicate email addresses among new or new/existing users
- Must have data in the four required fields
- Have the correct number of CSV fields, using comma separators for blank fields
- Use double quotes for fields that contain commas, such as within a Name or Title
- You may not update existing users
- If the data you are uploading contains special characters as in José or João, save the csv file as a ‘CSV-UTF-8(Comma delimited)’ file
TIP: Ensure that your Department and Location entries match existing picklist entries or new items will be created.
From the ‘Add New’ dropdown, upload your completed CSV file using ‘Import Stakeholders’.

After a successful upload, your stakeholder listing will refresh with the new entries added.

TIP: If you do not see a progress bar or new entries after uploading, you may need to refresh your web page when doing multiple uploads after another.
Send emails
The email functionality allows you to provide privacy and security training material to stakeholders through email communications. You will send the documents created in the Governance section to stakeholders in order for them to read, understand and acknowledge your legal obligations, policies, procedures, and best practices. You may send bulk emails (by criteria) or individual emails (by person).
Documents available for distribution
Within both bulk and individual email send functionality, you will select the documents to include in a message.

These documents are found in the Governance > Internal and Governance > Optional sections. Selection attributes are related to the document status.
- Complete: available for selection
- In Progress: visible but cannot be selected
- Not Started: visible but cannot be selected
- N/A: not visible
You may choose one or multiple documents for distribution. Document titles can be filtered by entering text into the search box; filters are cleared by deleting the text.

Document Library
These documents are found in the Governance > Document Library section. Selection attributes are related to the document status.
- All documents – Show in Stakeholders?: must be checked
- Preference=Use my own content: must be published
- Preference=Use my own document: a document must be uploaded
You may choose one or multiple documents for distribution. Document titles can be filtered by entering text into the search box; filters are cleared by deleting the text.

Send bulk emails
Bulk emails are used to send email to people meeting certain criteria, rather than by individual. You can access bulk email through the ‘Send emails’ button.

The bulk email pop-up appears.

You must choose stakeholder selection criteria in “Send to” and you must choose at least one item in “Documents to send”. You may add filtering by Department and/or Location.

Edit the email Subject and Message, if desired, then click ‘Send mails’.

A notice appears in the top right showing how many emails were sent. Click the X to close this message.

In the stakeholder listing, those recipients’ status is updated to ‘In Progress’.

Send individual emails
Individual emails are used to send email one person at a time, rather than by filter criteria. You can access individual email through the ‘Send email’ button on the right of an individual stakeholder listing.

The individual email pop-up appears.

You must choose at least one item in “Documents to send”. Ignore the filtering by Department and/or Location; there is no filtering applied in individual emails. Edit the email Subject and Message, if desired, then click ‘Send mails’.

A notice appears in the top right showing how many emails were sent. Click the X to close this message.

In the stakeholder listing, the recipient’s status is updated to ‘In Progress’.

Stakeholder acceptance
After emails are sent, the stakeholder has a task to read, understand and acknowledge the documents. Following instructions within the email, stakeholders will download and read the document, then confirm they have read and accepted it.
The following email is sent to the stakeholder, containing links to each document included in that mailing.

After clicking the link, the document appears and the stakeholder will click the acceptance button. Notice the message is individualized so that tracking can be done in DPDx per stakeholder.

Upon acceptance the web page is updated with acceptance date and time, and to confirm the status change. The Stakeholder may now close this window or tab. If multiple documents were sent, they need to return to the email message and repeat review and acceptance for each document.

If a stakeholder needs a replacement email before confirmation, do not forward messages that were sent to others – that would record acceptance under the wrong person. Instead, resend using the “Send email” feature for an individual user.
Stakeholder details
Stakeholder email and acceptance status
The homepage of the Stakeholder Comms section gives a pie chart overview of the email and acceptance status for your communications.
Red = Not sent (Not started)
Yellow = Sent, not accepted (In progress)
Green = Read & accepted (Complete)

Once you enter the Compliance subsection, click on the person’s status icon for acceptance details.

The default view is the Governance tab which lists documents from the Governance>Internal and Governance>Optional sections.

Click the Document Library tab to list documents from the Governance>Document Library section.

The information shown in stakeholder details may also be downloaded from Reports > Excel extract.
Edit stakeholder
Click within the data on a stakeholder’s entry to edit their information or active status.

The edit pop-up appears. Make your changes and click Save.

Changing a person to Inactive will stop their inclusion in Bulk emails, and the “Send email” option is removed for individual emails. However you can continue to see their acceptance status.

Note that you cannot remove a Department or Location once they are added to a person.
Delete stakeholder
You may delete active or inactive stakeholders. All status details are deleted with this action, so you may wish to run a Stakeholders extract from Reports > Excel extract. before the deletion.
Click within the data on a stakeholder’s entry to delete their entry.

The edit pop-up appears. Click Delete. On the confirmation pop-up, click OK.