DPDx User Guide

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We recommend that you begin in the ‘Settings’ tab, where you can create a link to the request form and customize your DSAR form.

Person responsible

You may assign a “Person responsible” for the area of DSARs by choosing a user from the dropdown. Note that there is no functionality given to the assigned Person, but it will serve as a visual reminder for your team.

You can remove a ‘Person responsible’ by clicking the red X. The ‘Person responsible’ will then automatically default to the User designated as your Primary Contact (see the User Management section of this guide).

You can create a new user with the green plus (+) sign, and they are given default privileges as a Task User. We do not recommend this method of user creation. Instead follow the User configuration functionality described in the User Management section of this guide.

Default DSAR owner

Configure the Default DSAR task owner in both the ‘Received’ and ‘In Progress’ columns of the requests listing. Instructions are in the New requests and notifications section of this guide.

Integration tab

The Integration tab allows you to use custom HTML code in order to display your DSAR form on web pages. You may copy the code to any of your websites where you wish to allow access to your DSAR.

First you will configure domains. If you have already published your Privacy Notices, the domains you configured in Governance are available here. Note that the list of domains is shared among Governance>Privacy Notice, Governance>Employee Privacy Notice, and Subject Access>Integration. Any requests not originating from one of the domains in this list will be rejected. To add a domain, select “Add New”.

In the pop-up, type in your domain name, and click “Save”.

Second, provide your web developers with the code to include on your web pages. You may use the “Copy Code” shortcut and paste into your message to developers. Also include the instructions below regarding the Element ID.

  • Copy the code into your web page html and replace ‘your-element-id’ with the id of the html element within which you want the content displayed. If you don’t specify a container element id or if the specified element does not exist, the content will be inserted at the bottom of your html page.

To view how your request will look as a web page, use the Preview option. You may also submit DSARs for testing from this page. Note, however, that you cannot delete a DSAR. So if you submit a test you must mark it as ‘Rejected’ in order to Close it.

Below is a Preview of the default DSAR provided in DPDx.

Customization tab

The Customization tab allows you to change request type wording and the look and feel of the form buttons. You cannot change the input fields that are on the form. Required fields on the form are marked with an asterisk (*).

Customize request type text

You can change the wording on the request type buttons. You can also modify the description that appears on the form immediately below the button.

To modify the button title and/or description, click Edit to the right of the current text.

Modify the text in the pop-up window and click Save.

You can view your changes in two ways.

  • Integration tab > Preview button
  • On your website if you have already included the code from the Integration tab

Customize the form buttons

You may override some of the CSS in your stylesheet to change the look & feel of the form buttons. You may not edit it within DPDx. Provide your web developers with the code from this tab to include on your web pages. You may use the “Copy Code” shortcut and paste into your message to developers.

You can only view these changes on your website.

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