Submission methods
Web form
Most DSARs will be completed by the Data Subject completing the form on your website. The requests will automatically appear in the Received column on the Requests tab.
The Data Subject will receive an email from confirming receipt of the DSAR. The email also includes a PDF attachment of the submission.
Manual input
Users with DSAR access may manually create a DSAR using the ‘Add New’ button. You may receive requests via postal mail, telephone, etc., and can create the DSAR in DPDx.
Choose a request type by clicking on one of the 4 action buttons across the top. Then complete the information on the form that is provided. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Click Save, or Close to cancel.
The Data Subject will receive an email confirmation of the DSAR as described above.
The new request is added to the Received column. Notice there is now a red “2” after the email address. This represents the total number of DSARs received from this email address after there is more than one.
Default DSAR owner
Configure the Default DSAR task owner in both the ‘Received’ and ‘In Progress’ columns. These can be the same user. Open the ellipsis at the right of the column and select the Default Task Owner.
The owner of individual DSARs may be changed after the request is received.
Days until task is due
In the same dropdown, you may configure the Days Until Task is Due. This date will trigger task email reminders sent to the DSAR owner.
This task due date should be sooner than the overall 45-day deadline assigned when a DSAR is received.
DSAR email notifications
When a new DSAR arrives, no one is notified unless users sign up for notifications. We recommend that you have multiple users in your organization receive new DSAR email notifications so that you comply with legal regulations.
Notifications are activated in the ‘My user dropdown’, under ‘Preferences’, and toggle ‘Notify me when … A data subject access request (DSAR) is received”. This functionality is described in the My User Dropdown section of this guide.
DSAR task
The DSAR task owner will receive reminder emails from DPDx as their work deadline approaches. These are automatic; no action is needed by the user to receive them. Users should click the “View tasks” link in the email.
After logging in, the user will be taken to the Tasks menu. Click on the ‘DSAR task status’ tab to see the DSAR task notifications.