DPDx User Guide

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  9. Visualize


Visualize provides a graphical view into data mappings and collection sources. Two visualizations are provided: Data Mapping, and Collection Sources. When you select “Visualize” your mapping diagram is automatically generated.


Use the Filter section to limit the visualizations to particular sections of your data mappings.

These areas of filtering are available for each type of visualization:

  • Data Mapping: Department, Data Subject Type, Processing Purpose
  • Collection Sources: Department, Data Subject Type

After you choose your filters, click outside of the dropdown to update your view.

Use the “Reset” button to clear all filters.

Collapse All

Collapse All will minimize the view to Department names only. Choose Expand all to clear this view.


Visualizations can be downloaded as either PNG or SVG files.

Note: PNG download does not work for large mappings. There is a workaround: download it as SVG, open in a browser, right-click the webpage to Print, then save as PDF.

Visualize Data Mappings

Click on the “Visualize” tab within Data Mapping. This view can also be used to help identify missing information in your data mapping entries.

Hovering over a word provides additional details about that attribute. For example, these details are shown when hovering over the Processing Purpose=Sales.

Clicking on an item will collapse the rest of the downstream view. For example, we can hide the details of Processing Purpose=Sales. Clicking the word again will expand the view.

Visualize Collection Sources

Click on the “Visualize” tab within Collection Sources. This view can also be used to help identify missing collection sources for your personal information types.

Hovering over a word provides additional details about that attribute. For example, these details are shown when hovering over the Collection Source=Blog or forum.

Clicking on an item will collapse the rest of the downstream view. For example, we can hide the details of Personal Information Type=Age. Clicking the word again will expand the view.

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