Compliance Risk Reports produce a PDF of your Compliance Assessment status by section. The information creates a risk analysis to give an indication of the organization’s risk status based on questions answered in your checklists. This report will guide your continued privacy management efforts by providing indications of high/low compliance, high/low risk, and scoring based on risk (both unmitigated (inherent) and mitigated (residual)).
The report also includes a section with details for each checklist item which include: status, risk setting, who it has been assigned to, the review cycle, and the due date.
The report produces the following risk analyses:
- Mitigated vs Unmitigated Risk
- Compliance section by status
- Probability and Impact Score (Impact Score / Severity), by Compliance section
- Probability of Risk Occurring (Compliance Risk / Likelihood), by Compliance section
- Compliance Score, by Compliance section
- Detailed Risk Report, by individual Checklist Item
Choose Risk Report within Reports. Select the Compliance Audit Sections for your report, then choose “Download PDF” at the bottom of the page.

See the Scoring Section in the DPDx Reporting Overview.