DPDx User Guide

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  9. Overview


Because your organization processes personal data as part of its operations, you will regularly review, assess, improve, and maintain your personal data management and privacy practices. This is done via checklists to give you accurate and complete data privacy practices. In DPDx, this is called Compliance Audit.

Compliance Sections are developed three ways:

  • Manage the four standard compliance areas in DPDx:
    • Employee Personal Data Management
    • Information Security, Response and Privacy by Design (PbD)
    • Business Environment & Governance
    • Data Management and People
  • Create your own custom compliance areas
  • Create optional sections you can import from a template

Each compliance area contains one or more compliance checklists. It is important to assign all Compliance Audit sections to a Person Responsible (an Administrator, Power User, or Compliance User), and to assign all Checklist Items to the employee responsible for ensuring compliance with that item (an Administrator, Power User, or Task User). Accurately managing Checklists, Tasks, and Review Schedules allows you to assess, improve, optimize and monitor your organization’s risk, compliance and maturity in data protection.

Completing your Compliance Audit is an iterative process. The first steps are determining the work and assigning tasks. Once assigned, those employees will move the tasks to completion. Plan to continue iterations and reviews of your checklists to update progress on a weekly basis until they are complete.

Users responsible for individual Tasks (not Sections) will receive email reminders as due dates near or are passed when action has not been taken.

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