DPDx User Guide

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Stakeholder Comms Homepage

The Stakeholder Comms homepage shows a quick visual assessment of 1) your organization’s progress against your Checklist, and 2) Stakeholder status of policy acknowledgement and acceptance.

  • The ‘Compliance’ section contains an email utility which manages your communications with stakeholders. The process is:
    • You will send the documents created in the Governance section to stakeholders in order for them to read, understand and acknowledge your legal obligations, policies, procedures, and best practices.
    • Following email instructions, Stakeholders will download and read the document, then confirm they have read and accepted the document.
    • Details and status of individual stakeholder policy acceptance are tracked directly in DPDx.
  • The “Checklist” section contains a checklist of tasks whose completion allows you to attain high Stakeholder awareness and compliance.
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