Picklists create dropdown values whose unique combinations will create data mapping elements. A data mapping element is a unique combination of:
Department + Data Subject Type + Processing Purpose
Note that you should not create the same element twice having a different Lawful Basis for each. An element has only ONE Lawful Basis; choose the most relevant or important one. If you believe you have more than one Lawful Basis, then you also have a different Processing Purpose, making the second one a new, unique element.
The following picklists are used in data mapping:
- Department
- Data Subject Type
- Processing Purpose
- Personal Information Types
- Processing Locations
- Processors
- Sharing Parties
- Collection Sources
When working with picklist items shown on dropdowns:
- Black font items are default; these cannot be changed or deleted
- Red font items are your custom entries; these can be changed or deleted
- WARNING: If you delete a picklist item, the entries that use it are also removed and there is no warning. Use Delete with extreme caution, and run a selection filter to review those items before deletion.
- WARNING: Edits to and deletions from picklists can also impact your documents in the Governance section.
- TIP: Keep your picklist items names concise for better readability in the app and within reports.
Add items to picklists
In the Creation Section of the homepage, you can add items to any picklist with a green plus sign (+).

We will add the “Legal” department to the Department picklist. Click the + sign, add Department name, then click Save.

Legal is now the selected item for that element. In the Department dropdown it appears in red font because it is a custom item; and you are able to edit it (pencil icon is shown).

Edit items on picklists
You may edit only custom picklist items. They appear in a red font and have a pencil icon on the right-hand side of the element in the dropdown.
To edit, open the Department dropdown and click on the pencil icon

Make changes to your name in the popup, then Save

Note that all items using the Department name of “Legal” will be changed to “Legal Team”.
Delete items from picklists
You may delete only custom picklist items. They appear in a red font and have a pencil icon on the right-hand side of the element in the dropdown.
To delete a custom item, open the Department dropdown and click on the pencil icon

In the popup, click Delete. A new popup appears for confirmation. Type the word “DELETE” and click OK.

WARNING: When you delete a picklist item, the entries that use it are also removed and there is no additional warning. A Department is also removed from Stakeholder departments picklist in the Stakeholder Comms section. Use Delete with extreme caution, and run a selection filter to review those items before deletion.
Deletion error
If you receive an error when deleting a Department picklist item, it is probably being used in the Stakeholder Comms section. Follow the instructions in that section to “Delete items from Department or Location picklists”.