DSARs are managed from the ‘Requests’ tab. DPDx uses a Kanban-style Dashboard to manage requests, organized by Status. Status is automatically determined based on user actions taken on the DSAR.
- Received
- In progress
- Complete
- Rejected
DSAR views
Text search
You may filter the DSARs that show on the dashboard using a text search. Enter your text, then click outside of the search box to apply the filter.
The text will search on: DSAR number, name, email, address, phone.
To clear the filter, remove the text in the search box, then click outside of the search box to reset the view.
Search archive
If you cannot see the DSAR you are looking for, it might be Archived. Click “Search archive” to see all Closed (Complete / Rejected) DSARs. Clicking Search Archive will automatically refresh your view to include all DSARs. You may add a text search to filter the full listing.
Uncheck the toggle to automatically remove Archived DSARs from the listing.
Excel extract
You can extract DSAR data in Excel format by using the Reports > Excel Extract feature.
View individual DSAR
To view and manage a DSAR, click on the block for that request.
Within each section of the request, you can expand and collapse the sub sections by using the arrows to the right of the heading.
To exit an individual DSAR view and review to the dashboard, click Close at the bottom of the request.
Download DSAR
To download a PDF of the request, click the download icon within the request block.
Fulfill a DSAR
Responses must be processed without undue delay but at least within 45 days in most US jurisdictions (30 days in the EU and UK) of confirming the validity of the request. Thus DSARs are assigned a Due Date of 45 days from creation date. Remember that this date is a final deadline, and separate from the “Task” due date which is used to assign DSARs to individual users for processing prior to the final Due Date.
You cannot manually move a DSAR across the dashboard into different states. Instead you will follow the built-in request process which automatically moves the DSAR toward a completed state.
Owner and task due date
To change the DSAR Owner, use the user dropdown at the top of the request. You may also change the Task Due Date. The Owner and Due Date can be cleared with the ‘Remove’ button; however we do not recommend having unassigned DSARs in your work queue.
DSAR tabs
Each request has five tabs for processing steps and information.
The Process tab contains the built-in request process steps for the current Status.
The Details tab shows the data in the original DSAR submission.
The Notes tab shows system status changes and allows you to add your own custom notes.
To add your own note, enter the note into the pop-up and click ‘Add note’.
The note appears chronologically and contains the timestamp, author, and note.
The Files tab allows you to upload files related to the request. Click ‘Add file’ to upload a file.
After you choose your file it appears in the listing with the internal file name. You can also add your own description.
You can delete a file by clicking the ‘Delete’ button.
Data Mapping
The Data Mapping tab will automatically show the data mapping entries that correspond to the person’s relationship to your organization (Data Subject Type) from the original DSAR. You will use this data mapping information to locate personal data and act on the request.
DSAR Progress Bar
The progress bar shows the current status in red, previously-completed states in green, and future states in gray. You may click on a completed state to review the actions that have already been completed. From the progress bar, previous actions are read-only. To change previous actions, see the section below to Change DSAR Status.
Received status
Before providing information to a requestor or fulfilling a DSAR, a user in your organization verifies the legal basis and the requestor’s identity. This user can be assigned as the Default DSAR Owner (see the Default DSAR Owner section in ‘New requests and notifications’) or may be manually assigned by someone managing the DSAR dashboard.
There are two sections to complete in Received Status: 1) Evaluate the Request, and 2) Confirm identity of the requestor. Choose the appropriate response for each section. When a response is chosen, complete the additional description/comments and date fields that appear.
When the fields are complete, click outside of your input areas and click on ‘Move to In Progress’.
In Progress status
Next you will follow the built-in request process which ensures you comply with legal and statutory obligations.
There are eight topical areas of action for you to take on a DSAR. You can expand or collapse each area by clicking the arrow to the right of the topic.
Expand each area and review each step in the process.
- Each step has an additional information pop-up which you can access by clicking on the ‘i’ icon.
- Required items are marked by an asterisk (*). Some required items are a confirmation that you have researched the topic as it relates to this DSAR. Others have action items for the user to complete.
- Checking a toggle may result in additional fields appearing, such as a description/comments text field or a date field. You will need to complete those fields to move forward.
When all required steps are toggled as complete, click the ‘Move to Complete’ button at the bottom of the page.
Complete status
Viewing a DSAR in the Complete status will show your notes and date that the final action was taken.
You may navigate through the previous actions in read-only mode using the progress bar or the ‘Previous / Next’ buttons at the bottom of the DSAR.
Rejected status
Use the Rejected Status to close test DSARs and to close any which you determine are not, in fact, Data Subject Access Requests. Select the first or second reason from the Process tab under ‘Evaluate the Request’ for rejecting the DSAR. A description/comments text field and a date field appear. Complete both fields. Then click ‘Move to Rejected’ which appears when the fields are complete.
Change DSAR Status
In order to modify information in steps completed in a previous state, you will need to move the DSAR into that Status.
Reopen closed DSAR
For a Completed or Rejected (Closed) DSAR, click ‘Reopen’
This moves the DSAR back into the ‘Received’ column and you may edit and manage the request by making changes.
Change status of open DSAR
For a DSAR that is ‘In Progress’, you may move it back to ‘Received’ in order to modify the request evaluation and identity confirmation. Click ‘Move to Received’ from within the DSAR. This moves the DSAR back into the ‘Received’ column for editing.
Remember that you may navigate through the previous actions in read-only mode using the progress bar or the ‘Previous / Next’ buttons at the bottom of the DSAR.