DPDx User Guide

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  9. Optional


You may wish to include some additional documents based on sample policy templates in your stakeholder awareness program. These are included in the “Optional” section. Once completed, these documents are sent by email to employees and other stakeholders (for example: consultants, contractors, vendors), but can be emailed to anyone. Email and acceptance status is tracked in the “Stakeholder Comms” section of DPDx.

The Optional homepage contains a tile for each provided document.

The following optional documents are provided in DPDx. All allow content creation using template and your own content.

  • Employee Training
  • Acceptable Use Policy
  • Data Classification and Labeling Standard
  • Data Handling Policy

If you decide NOT to share any of the following documents with your stakeholders, you must go into each document and set its status to ‘N/A’.

The functionality for Optional documents is identical to the Internal documents section. Refer to the “Internal” section of this user guide for instructions.

Once you have completed your documents you are ready for the next section. Click the tab to the right of “Optional”, which is “Document Library”.

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